The Willi XC Challenge

28th Annual XC Flying Event in Golden, BC, Canada

July 27 - August 4, 2024

Willi Rules & Guidelines

The Willi is open to PG and HG pilots. The winners of this meet will be the registered pilot in each class with the best total points for 3 flights over the course of the competition. You may fly as many flights as you wish every day – re-launches are allowed. Only your best 3 reported flights during the competition will be counted toward your final score.


Registration can be completed on-line. Please be sure you are registered for the competition and have checked in at headquarters before you go flying. We will not accept flight claims for your flights unless you have done so, or made specific arrangements with either the Meet Director or Safety Director.

If you need to cancel your registration, please let us know via email to Until June 15, any registration fees you have paid will be refunded. After June 15, we reserve the right to withhold any or all fees paid.

Pilot Classification

Each pilot will be assigned to a Pilot Class at the beginning of the meet with the goal of encouraging healthy competition and in consultation with the pilots involved. Final decisions regarding pilot classification will be made by the Meet Director and Safety Director. Typical criteria are shown on right (click on image to enlarge).

The Willi Team reserves the right to collapse or combine classifications appropriately where we deem a classification has too few pilots for reasonable competition (click on image to enlarge).

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Pilots may launch from the Lookout (drive to) or Upper launches (hike in) on Mount 7 in Golden, unless a decision is made by the Meet Committee to designate an alternative launch. Please mark your start point on your GPS prior to flying.

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Pilot Meetings/Information

There will be a pilot briefing at the Willi tent each morning at approximately 9:30 AM. Please plan to attend (door prizes drawn for all in attendance), or check with someone who did. Standings and weather will be discussed. Please check with the locals if you have concerns about the weather. Contact information for meet officials will be provided to all registered pilots prior to the event.

Personal Decision Making

At all times, your decision to fly is your own. In the case of inclement weather or poor flying conditions, the Meet Director or Safety Director may decide to delay, suspend or cancel competition. These decisions will be made with the best information available, and to ensure a fair and safe meet for all competitors. However, with or without a decision by the Meet Director or anyone else involved with the meet, you must still decide personally whether it is safe for you to fly. Do not take any decision or lack of decision on our part as either endorsement of the flying conditions, or recommendation that you fly.

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Flight Tracking

You are required to fly at all times with a GPS tracking device (SPOT, Delorme InReach, or acceptable equivalent) actively tracking your flight and recording to the Willi tracking site at However, recognizing these systems are not 100% reliable, please submit your flight if tracking fails. It will be counted, at the discretion of the Meet Director and Scorer, if the tracking failure is not due to your direct and intentional actions, it is your first incidence of this problem, and you made best efforts to notify Meet HQ immediately on landing.

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Given the size of our flying area and nature of the competition, it is not feasible economically to include retrieves as part of the meet fee. The good news though is that on those great XC days there are generally vehicles, including meet vehicles, along the valley chasing pilots. Pilots are encouraged to make arrangements for their own retrieval before flying where possible, and to compensate their drivers directly. Retrieval communication and procedures will also be discussed at pilot meetings. Our goal is to get everyone home safely each flying day.

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Check-In/Landing Forms

Please be sure to check in each day as soon as possible after your flight. Check in procedures will be clarified at the pilot meetings. You must complete a landing form for all flights in order to ensure they are scored.

Landing forms can be completed in-person at headquarters or on-line. Please be sure you have your landing forms in by the end of the pilot meeting the following morning in order to be counted toward your points. Please have them in as soon as possible after your flight (click on image to enlarge).

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We use XContest online scoring in order to...

  • Encourage use of the online contest site.

  • Facilitate information sharing and learning about XC flying amongst pilots.

  • Standardize flight scoring and verification.

  • Encourage creativity in flight planning - the XContest system automatically checks for O&R and FAI Triangle qualified flights, and provides bonuses (1.2 points/km for O&R, 1.4 points/km for Triangles).

You will need a GPS to log your XC flights, and to be registered with the XC Canada On-line Contest ( (Novices claiming only flights to the LZ are excluded).

To use the XCanada/XContest World flight verification method, you must be registered at Pilots already registered for the 2023 contest are ready to go. If you are registered for the XContest World, please add yourself to the XCanada list by going to, and choosing the Canada contest to register. This is important because we will use XCanada rules. For instructions to sign up for XCanada, click here.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the XContest Rules:

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Scoring Bonuses

To encourage use of Upper launch, flights launched from Upper will receive a 5-point bonus if unwitnessed, and a 10-point bonus if witnessed by an on-launch observer. Please provide witness name and contact info when claiming this bonus.)

Any flight successfully landed (i.e. without injury or incident as determined by a majority of your peers observing the landing) at the LZ will be given a 10 point bonus. For example: a sled run with a successful landing at the LZ will be worth 15 points – 5 distance points plus the 10-point landing bonus.


You will receive a zero score for any flight that violates local site rules, enters restricted airspace, lands in a restricted area (including identified no-land areas in the National Parks), or results in an unresolved conflict with a land owner. Restricted airspace and landing areas will be provided and discussed at Pilot Meetings each morning. If you are unsure, please ask us for more information before you go flying .

Novice Pilots

P2/H2 pilots can compete in two ways…

  • Without a GPS (Super Sledders) – winner is the Novice with the most, safe take-offs and landings at the designated LZ.

  • With a GPS – winner is the pilot who accumulates the most points on 3 flights flown in accordance with the rules for other classes and uploaded to Canada XContest (as per any XC pilot).

Final Standings

Unless otherwise announced, final standings will be posted and prizes distributed after flying on Sunday, August 4. Winners (except Super Sledder) will be the registered pilot in each class with the highest total points for 3 flights over the course of the competition.