The Willi XC Challenge

28th Annual XC Flying Event in Golden, BC, Canada

July 27 - August 4, 2024

Willi News


Willi Preparation

July 21, 20232 min read

The Willi XC 2023 is almost here! Happy to have you join us.

We know you come to fly, not do paperwork, but there are some things to get done before we head up the mountain. We have limited resources on site, so the more we do now the faster we can all get in the air - don't count on being able to do them last minute.

1. Pay Your Registration

If you haven't paid already, you can on the "Willi Payment Page". You can check whether we've recorded your payment on the "Registered Pilot List". If you think you have paid but it is not indicated there, let us know (we sometimes make mistakes).

2.  Set Up Your Tracking Device

Except for Novice pilots doing only sledders to the designated LZ, to compete in the Willi you must be flying with a SPOT or InReach device with tracking enabled. Help setting up your device messages and shared map to work with our system for pilot monitoring can be found here. If you participated in the Willi previously, you can simply edit the old profile to include any other personal changes required and update the new meet phone number. Please be sure to complete this step before doing the next.

3. Complete Our Pilot Information Questionnaire

We need you to provide some basic info going to the link below. Complete Step 2 above, then go to...

(If the link above is not live, please copy the entire link, then paste it into the address bar of your web browser.)

If you have to leave the questionnaire before you have completed it, you can use the "Save and continue later" bar at the top of each page.

When you click "Submit" on the last page of the questionnaire, you will be emailed a copy of the info you provided and your info will be passed on to Dannie Wolf (Safety Coordinator) and David Wheeler ( to set you up for pilot tracking. One or both of them may get back to you if there are problems with your info.

4.  Register for XCanada

We use the scores generated by the XCanada Contest for scoring XC flights at the Willi. You must be registered with XCanada, and able to upload your flights to this site if you intend to count any flight other than a sledder to the LZ. Further information can be found here.

5.  Review Willi Resources

There are more resources for competitors on the Willi Resources page of our web site, and we will be adding more over the next few days. Please bookmark and check back on this page regularly.

Thanks for your attention to these important steps. As always, please contact us if you have questions or concerns. Otherwise, see you at The Willi!

Take care, get high, fly far!

The Willi Team

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